Hi Emili and Charlotte here today we are going to show you how to take a screen shot .It is really simple and easy to do.You can screen shot your work and have proof that you did it and can also create a folder of all of your work.
Firstly, you need to press the command button which is CMD and hold it down. Next, you need to press the shift button which is the arrow pointing up. Now you should be holding down CMD and Shift then all you need to do is click the 3.
Now we are going to show you how to make it the size you want whilst screen shotting. This is a little harder because it only goes on way so make sure you do it where you want to start. It is the exact same as before hold CMD and Shift and click the 4. Now you need to pull the arrow across the surface that you want to cover and let go. Take the crop button to the corner that you want to crop the photo too.
-You did good work.
-You tapped the space bar twice in the first paragraph.
really like your work its super good
First paragraph capital letter for Hi.
good work 🙂
BEST ONE YET 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
hello this looks really cool