How to search for files by Ellis and Owain

First go on finder, the blue and white face, and click it. Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.49.47 Once you’ve done that,  it should look like this   Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.56.03  .  When your done with that, it should say search at the top right corner.Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 10.01.32 Click search and search for whatever file you wanted to search for. After that click on the file, For example  Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 10.08.31then you are done searching for your files!!!

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10 Responses to How to search for files by Ellis and Owain

  1. Evan says:


  2. CharlotteS says:

    Capital letters

  3. JakeT says:

    NORBERT SAID 10/10

  4. LilyW says:

    -Perfect work boys well done

  5. JakeT says:

    very good 🙂

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