1. Firstly move your mouse onto the dock [the row of games and websites at the bottom of the laptop]
2. Secondly click on the app Minecraft which should look like a square grass/bookshelf block like this –>
3. After that once you have clicked that you will end up with something like this
4. Then click on the email address and write any letter and then @hwbcymru.net for example s@hwbcymru.net
then press enter and then if you have folloud you should have loged into Minecraft.
Your work is great but you need full stops.
well done
Add your name to tittle
Full stops
you have spelt followed wrong
add your name to your title
we like how you sequenced the photos 🙂
-You spelt followed and logged wrong in the last sentence.
-You need full stops and capital letters.