How to change the batteries for the keyboard by Phillipa

Firstly, you get a coin and then you slot the coin into the hole and twist.



Next, you will notice the batteries hidden inside the keyboard  you take them out as shown below.            


IMG_1406 IMG_1409

There will be two batteries for you to take out.


Thirdly, you will need to put the batteries on this machine. 


Remember to make sure the  machine is plugged into the wall and the switch is on.


Next, take 2 batteries out of this box 


Carefully slot the 2 batteries you picked up from the charged batteries box into the keyboard.


Finally, screw the top back on with the pen like so


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7 Responses to How to change the batteries for the keyboard by Phillipa

  1. SophiaG says:

    Sophia G
    -First line where is the houle in the wall in the door tell me.

  2. Talia-Lily says:

    What hole? show witch hole. What type of coin and twist witch way?????????

  3. JakeT says:


  4. CharlotteS says:

    Capital letters
    what hole
    which way do we turn the coin
    what do we do secondly
    other than that we liked how you demonstrated 🙂

  5. Evan says:

    super good work 🙂

  6. LilyW says:

    I’m sure the hole is on the side of the keyboard.

  7. TianaL says:

    What way do I put the batteries in? :/

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