How to take a screenshot on an iMac and crop it – Imogen and Tiana.

Firstly, you will want to find a picture to screenshot. Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.10.21

This is the picture that I chose to screenshot! 🙂

Secondly, you need to press the command button, the shift button and the 4 button.Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.16.34

Press all of the buttons at the same time, a cross will pop up.crosshairs (2)

You will want to click and drag, taking a screenshot of the picture you want. It looks better cropped, you don’t have to go through the whole cropping thing in Photos.Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.30.18

After – that, you will have an amazing picture! Even looks like you took it. 🙂 🙂 Now you know how to take amazing pictures!!

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Firstly, you get a coin and then you slot the coin into the hole and twist.



Next, you will notice the batteries hidden inside the keyboard  you take them out as shown below.            


IMG_1406 IMG_1409

There will be two batteries for you to take out.


Thirdly, you will need to put the batteries on this machine. 


Remember to make sure the  machine is plugged into the wall and the switch is on.


Next, take 2 batteries out of this box 


Carefully slot the 2 batteries you picked up from the charged batteries box into the keyboard.


Finally, screw the top back on with the pen like so


Posted on by LucyL | 7 Comments

Grace and kiara how to change batteries

How To change batteries in a mouse.

firstly slide the green button down. next you push down the little slidy thing and the cover should  pop out. Then take the batteries out and put them in the batterie charging station. Next you need to pick up more fully charged batteries. After-that put the new batteries in the mouse. finely slide the cover on the mouse. Push it in and slide the button up and now you have you new fully charged moues.IMG_1604 IMG_1605 IMG_1606 IMG_1607 IMG_1608 IMG_1609 IMG_1611 IMG_1612 IMG_1613 IMG_1614

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how to log into Minecraft

1. Firstly move your mouse onto the dock [the row of games and websites at the bottom of the laptop]

2. Secondly click on the app Minecraft which should look like a square grass/bookshelf block  like this –> Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.50.50

3. After that  once you have clicked that you will end up with something like this Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 10.09.19

4. Then click on the email address and write any letter and then for example

then press enter and then if you have folloud you should have loged into Minecraft.

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How To Take A Screenshot And crop-By Ella and Aaminah

By using these steps you will be able to take a screenshot as promised.

Firstly,tap the button with cmd on your  keyboard.ptrscr1

Next ,press shift (the button with an arrow pointing up), while keeping your other finger on cmd .ptrscr1Thirdly,press 4 but keep your fingers on cmd and shift.


Now click and drag the bit you want in your photo.
Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.17.25

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.21.59
Finally,you can find your screenshot on
the desktop


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how to take a screenshot. charlotte and Emili

Hi Emili and Charlotte here today we are going to show you how to take a screen shot .It is really simple and easy to do.You can screen shot your work and have proof that you did it and can also create a folder of all of your work.


Firstly, you need to press the command button which is CMD and hold it down. Next, you need to press the shift button which is the arrow pointing up. Now you should be holding down CMD and Shift then all you need to do is click the 3.

Now we are going to show you how to make it the size you want whilst screen shotting. This is a little harder because it only goes on way so make sure you do it where you want to start.  It is the exact same as before hold CMD and Shift and click the 4. Now you need to pull the arrow across the surface that you want to cover and let go. Take the crop button to the corner that you want to crop the photo too.



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How to delete your history Sophie and Maria

If you put an incorrect password into HWB, you will need to delete history before you login again. You will sometimes need to delete history to free up space on iPads. Even though the history is deleted, the school is still able to monitor what websites have been visited through other means.


Firstly, you need to go on to the top of the iMac and click on Chrome.Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.49.03

Secondly, click on to Clear browsing data…

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.52.11


Now you are on settings you can delete your history .Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.54.28

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how to log in to Minecraft by Evan


Firstly click on the Minecraft education in the task barScreen Shot 2017-03-16 at 11.22.31

Then put this at the end (exampel)

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.49.51Then click the password and it logs you in to hwb sign in page then write your user name but without and password the press enter



And your in injoy!!!Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.50.47

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how to log in to HWB by Jake +Norbert

First you search HWB if not on desk top search on safari or google chrome.Now you are on HWB tap the icon with the text then log in with your username if you don’t know use the username card and you will be logg’d on to HWB

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.52.20      Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.55.36

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 09.55.50

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how to log in to Minecraft education edition in school with Alex and Tyler.


Hello this is Alex and Tyler we are going to show you how to sign in to Minecraft i hope you like this enjoy. 



Firstly, open up Minecraft.




Next login with your school or hwb Email and password.

minecraft login






Then you should end up at this page. Then you put the hwb email in.HWB MINECRAFT LOG IN





Then when you should end up on this page on minecraft then go on a world.


Then you should end up on Minecraft.

minecraft picture


Then enjoy on Minecraft.

Thank you for listening to our steps i hope you liked playing on Minecraft.

Step by step made by Alex and Tyler.



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